Additional Applications Of Our Services

Advantages of Shotcrete
LONG LASTING RESULTSStructural integrity with high strength, low permeability, and high durability
MINIMAL DISRUPTIONAvoid costly and unnecessary inconveniences to public traffic and local businesses and first responders
NO EXCAVATIONTrenchless technology means bottom-line savings compared to the cost of replacing pipe
FASTER HASSLE-FREE RESTORATIONAvoid the headaches and delays of replacing pipe (e.g. disrupting or relocating existing utilities)
ADAPTABLE REPAIRSFully Structural Repairs applicable to all shapes (ovals, arches, circular, square, symmetrical, asymmetrical, etc.)
IMPROVED PIPE FLOWSmooth finish of shotcrete reduces the roughness of a pipe (Manning’s coefficient)
MINIMAL CONSTUCTION FOOTPRINTStaging up to hundreds of feet away if necessary and only manhole access needed
GREATER STABILIZATIONSuperior structural reinforcement than repair solutions such as polymer coatings & slip lining
Industry Testimonials
National Gunite’s key to success are the trusted relationships we have built with our customers. Service doesn’t end when the project is completed.

John V.
Civil Engineer
“I believe shotcrete to be the most cost-effective and convenient method of repairing a sewer or culvert while maintaining structural integrity. It`s the only repair-in-place method that doesn`t compromise the pipe`s diameter. I strongly recommend for local municipalities with deteriorating infrastructures to explore shotcrete as a long-term economical solution.”

Craig A.
CEO & Business Owner
“After several failed repairs I found National Gunite. National Gunite was a lifesaver. When I had a failing pipe 40’ under my commercial property, National Gunite was there to repair. They have a vast wealth of knowledge regarding pipe repair and were able to quickly explain my situation. They assessed and proposed a solution to my problem quickly. The dedication and hard work from the top guns to the boots on the ground workers was impeccable. The quality of their work is far superior. They took a failing, almost 60-year-old pipe and repaired it like new. This is built to last for many generations to come. They saved my multimillion-dollar business from sinking into the ground.”

Dan M
P.E., GE, Structural Engineer
“The applicability of National Gunites’ dry mix cementitious coating process is far reaching. It has proven to be a long-term solution for deteriorated concrete, steel and brick lined sewers, as well as domestic water supply lines. Lines can be revitalized in place without interrupting surface activities as with excavation and replacement programs. Having engaged in the design and construction of numerous pipe rehabilitation projects, National Gunites’ lining method provides dependable structural stability, performance and longevity to be counted on.”